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Mixes Against Nature. This remix of songs from "Crimes" (below) charted in the top 10 in dance chart in 12 major U.S. Cities.
Lo Fi MP3 - optimized for fast download ("FM radio quality" preview) but all songs on CD's are sparkling productions with excellent quality masterings.

1. Fu*k & Run (Boyfriend Mix)

2. Slowhand (Extended Mix)
3. F*uk & Run (Radio Safe Mix)
4. Slowhand (Pop Radio Mix)
5. Loverman (Slow Dance Mix)

Crimes Against Nature A sample of the album's variety, range and two reasons why it was voted on many critic's "Top Ten" lists and two reasons why you will want the 11 song CD for your own! (see the Secure Store link!).  Read reviews of these songs on the "Frank's Press" page. MP3 songs from:

  1. Is You Is (or Is You Ain't My Baby) (3261 KB)
  2. Stupid Boy (4607 KB)



The only place in the universe to get this!  Here are the extended mixes of Boys Just Want To Have Sex 2001.  Just completed and mastered by Eddy Schreyer you can download them both and play them back to back - they are mixed to flow together.  Featuring samples of Bill Clinton's statements and grand jury testimony these songs are recorded, sung and mixed by Frank Rogala, singer of the original with his group EXUDE which stayed in the international top 200 for five years straight! Buy all 5 mixes including the Hip/hop mix, the pop radio mix and the White House mix in the secure store.

  1. Boys Just Want To Have Sex 2000 (5702 KB) 6 minutes long (the "Houseish/Hi NRG mix updated for the dance floors of the new millennium).
  2. I Have Sinned (6578 kb) over 6 minutes long (The darker rave version the song morphs into a trance-ish and darker vision).